Thursday, January 21, 2010

When it rains, it pours

I don't want my blog to turn into an endless stream of complaints and issues, so this will just be a brief note on the latest calamities in the catastrophe that is my life. Last night, the truck wouldn't start. Had to find a mechanic who could come out after 8 pm to get it started. Too much rust build up/corrosion on the starter, so the cable wasn't making contact. Got it started by tapping with a hammer. Followed mechanic to his house so he could take the starter off and grind off the rust. Way overpriced, but my truck starts now (but he said I need to get all the rust on the underside of my truck checked out soon). At least I found someone who could work on my truck late in the evening. Didn't get home until after midnight.

When I arrived home (finally), the power was out. No heat, no water (electric pump). I threw the horses their hay and went to bed. Power was still out this morning when I woke up. The electric co-op informed me that they had called in help from around the state and Missouri to try to get everything up and running. Power outtage most likely caused by all the ice build up everywhere. My yard is a sloggy, icy, mucky, manure-covered mess. Melting snow and crunching ice underfoot. Had to dodge ice falling in large chunks from the trees.

No power yet when I left for work--I waited until after eleven because I was hoping to be able to fill the horses's water tank. If I don't have power by the time I get home tonight, I'm going to have to locate a source of water for all of my animals.

Winter can't be over soon enough!!


Jessie said...

Good grief! I'm sorry!! When it rains, it pours, doesn't it? I really hope things are up and running again for you soon. I loathe winter....

When the tornado came through last summer I was without power for a couple days. It was bad, but being without power in the winter is downright miserable!