Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Starting ponies under saddle

Warmer temperatures this week have me dreaming of spring, my favorite time of year. This afternoon we actually reached 40 F!! Snow is melting, but that means possible black ice on the roads tonight when we drop back down below freezing. I'm inside, wishing I could actually feel the sun on my face. Spring can't get here soon enough!

Last spring I had four horses needing attention, three of whom had never been ridden. Phoenix was my "go to" horse as the only one with any experience.

I first sat on Zeplin's hairy back on Easter Sunday when my friend Sudhir brought his buddy Anil out to meet the ponies. Zeplin had just turned three in March. Sudhir held Mr. Fuzzball for me while I mounted. I sat there for a few minutes, had Sudhir lead him forward a few steps, sat there again, then I dismounted and called it good. Zeplin was bewildered about the whole affair. It wasn't long, however, before we were taking solo trips farther and farther away from the "safety" of the herd.

First time on Zeplin's back, Apr 2009 (Sudhir holding him)

My first time on Jazzy's back was in May. Julie led her around while I acted as "passive" passenger. The second time I climbed on her, this time with no one else around, she didn't want to move forward when I squeezed my legs. I urged her with a little more pressure but still nothing. After asking the third time, I wielded my crop, prepared to tap her on her generous rump for added motivation. She began to back up. I thought, "Ok, at least we have some motion." Then she folded her legs under her and sank straight down to the ground!

At first, I thought maybe something was wrong. Nope, perfectly healthy and sound mare under me! I hopped off and smacked Jazzy hard on the butt with the crop. That certainly captured her attention, and she surged back to her feet. I climbed back on, once again asking her forward with a gentle squeeze. She started backing again, but I would have none of that! Whap onto her butt, and we moved forward. After that she didn't give me any more sass. I didn't allow her to even think about backing until I was sure that she wouldn't try such a stunt again.

Jazzy moving out nicely in July 2009

Caly didn't turn three until July. Putting time on the other three horses kept me extremely busy when I had time away from work that summer. I finally set aside time in August for starting her under saddle. As with Jazzy, I had Julie lead me around a little, and then I slid off her back. Riding solo, she became "sticky" and didn't have much forward motion. Julie assisted with this problem. I had her pony Caly from Vivian with me as a passive passenger until I felt Caly would move freely on her own. Now Caly has plenty of "go!" Her Arab side has truly come out in a very pleasant manner.

Caly before our first solo ride, Aug 2009

That brings me back to the present and thoughts of the future. This spring I have three greenies to condition and continue their education under saddle (unless Caly sells before then). Each of them presents different challenges but also different strengths.

I feel lucky to have such wonderful, willing ponies as my own :-)