Monday, September 19, 2011

The Drama Queen lives!

The air was crisp and chill, the kind of fall day that energizes the soul and feeds your exhiliration. I took my pretty blue bike for a spin, having spurned her for well over a year now. How could I have forgotten the rush of freedom, the giddy sensation of speed at the flick of a wrist? Our time together was short, but it left me flushed with a joy in life I haven't felt in ages.

Partners once again with the Drama Queen!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My new blog!

Don't worry (I know you were!), I will still be posting to this one! I just wanted to let my faithful readers know that I've decided to start another blog! No, this doesn't mean that my daylength expanded to include even more hours for endless rambling. I just wanted to keep from boring to tears those of you (the few of you who read this blog) who aren't interested in hearing me wax eloquent on my main obsession--the Arabian horse.
Appropriately enough, my new blog is called "Arabian Horse Obsession!" Be warned--that is exactly what it is :-) My friend Julie, of Reinbow Valley Farm, has agreed to co-author this project with me. We may not always agree on everything the other posts, but we will do our best to add as much dimension and breadth to the topic as we can.

Please excuse the rough appearance for now--it will get better as I have time to work on it more (as this one has, right???).
(*Ibn Al Hassan+/ - one of the many gorgeous Arabs I will be discussing in my new blog)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

'Nipping out

Friends don't let cats do the 'nip!
It's highly addictive and can be a "gateway" to more deviant behavior!
It can even lead to black outs, loss of consciousness, your cat acting like he is swimming on land, and your cat pretending to be a rug. Don't take a chance!!
Steer YOUR cats away from the dangerous substance that is catnip!!

Mid Night Ravin

Previously, I mentioned my friend Jane had been looking for a new horse (preferably an Arabian gelding). She found Josh, but, unfortunately, he did not work out for her. So this Saturday it was back out on the road, this time to look at a black Arab gelding near Dayton, OH.

Mid Night Ravin, or Ravin, was advertised as a "Youth All Rounder" by his owner. He sounded like just the kind of Arab Jane was looking for; sound at 13 and not easily excited by things on the trail.

Our trip started out with a BANG, literally. While Jane had just purchased new tires for her truck, the trailer tires appeared to be in excellent shape, and she had checked the tire pressure prior to departing. Appearances can be quite deceiving! Heading South on I-75 in Ohio, one of the trailer tires blew.
As you can see from the picture, the tire wasn't just deflated--it was destroyed!! We limped off the interstate at the nearest exit and into a gas station. Several friendly people offered their assistance, including a motorcyclin' out-reach pastor and his biker wife.

We finally reached our destination (after first driving past the appropriate driveway). Ravin was in a stall, a demonstration of his "stable manners." He had a lovely, very typey Arab face without the over-exaggerated jibbah (bulge at the forehead) displayed by some genetic lines.
His rider, a young but very tall girl, saddled him and warmed him up in an all purpose English saddle. I noticed that the silly boy likes to stick out his tongue!
After the girl rode him, Jane introduced Ravin to her Western gear.
A couple pictures of Jane's "test ride" on the handsome boy:
As I said, Ravin likes to stick out his tongue!
Ravin's good friend, an Appaloosa gelding, happened to be hanging out in the stall next door.
Among others, there was also an elderly Arab mare in the barn who apparently was quite accomplished at snatching food away from unwary passers-by.
The very face of innocence!!

Afterward, Ravin received a bath, and Jane debated whether or not she should take this boy home. In the end, she decided to give him a try. We loaded him up in the trailer and took him back to her place. Czar knew right away something was up! He was sooo excited that Jane brought HIM home a pony!
I even managed to get a picture of him in the barn with his ears forward!!
You may recall how difficult a task that can be!

At the end of the afternoon, Ravin showed no difficulty at all with settling in to graze in his new, big pasture. As with most guys I know, the way to his heart must be through his stomach!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Miley's doppleganger

I met this fellow today:
Look closely; that is NOT Phat Tiger. While I thought my blue-eyed, silver tabby-pointed siamese cross Chunka Lunka was fairly unique colored, it turns out there is ANOTHER cat out there with very similar coloring. But never fear, Miley...
There's not a cat alive who pulls off the Tiger 'Tude like you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


My boy doesn't like me at all :-) (Notice how Jazzy is moving pretty quickly at first, then she decides that's a complete waste of her precious energy).