Saturday, February 11, 2012

More Michigan adventures

Today my new roommate (Jae) and I headed south back into Indiana to pick up a new addition to the colorful menagerie here on the farm. I have mentioned some of the critters here, but, until now, I didn't have pics to go with my comments. I will start today's post with some pictures of the animals residing on the property.

We'll start with the llama (Snickers) and his lovely lady ewes, since I've already mentioned them. Those girls look like they are gonna pop out some babies any day now, but we're still waiting!!

There are also quite a few ducks and chickens running around. The ducks come in a variety of colors, and there are even several Muscovies.

Hershey and Cadbury are the resident meat calves, although they have a long way to go until they are big enough for the dinner plate.

Coyote is Quimby's new bff. She doesn't care so much for the Chunk, but Chunky has lots of love for the puppies of the world.

And, of course, my ponies are right at home amongst all the other creatures.

So what else could we add to the bustling little farm to make it even more colorful? What, indeed! How about this fuzzy little face?

This cute little girl was a "free to a good home" pony-sized molly mule. She's still just a baby at about a year and a half old. The guys who had her seemed to think she was crazy and flighty. Watch this video and see if you think the same thing:

The new mule (we still need a name for her) caused quite a sensation in the neighborhood. Horses and calves couldn't figure out what this strange looking beast was.

Watch the fierce, wild mule on film! And please, leave a comment if you have any suggestions for this little devil's name. One last note... she is NOT mine, she's my roommate's. So far I've refrained from adding more to my own head count!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Remembering Dad

A year ago today, I lost my father. It still feels surreal. There are times I'll be doing something, and a memory will pop in my head of my dad. Usually this happens when I'm driving.

I don't think you can ever truly get used to a loss like this. I still miss you, Dad.