Monday, July 9, 2012

The Chunk's page

Chunky (aka Miley the cat) is quite the character. I always joked with my last roommate (Michael) that one needed a back brace to pick up such a hefty girl. The standing joke was that picking up Chunk once in a day served for at least a day's worth of exercise, if not more. Because of that, I decided that Chunk needed her own fitness program.

Hence the birth of CHUNKERCIZE!! Now my little fitness guru is a world renowned mogul, building her exercise empire and always working on that elusive goldmine of her workout routine, the Power Nap.

Catch the Chunk on her very own FB page (like her page for all of her special tips and poses).
The Chunk in Turtle Pose

Stay tuned!

A lot has happened since my last post way back in March. I have plenty of pictures and stories to add, I just need to get my laptop fixed so that it's easier to post. I've been far better at posting information and happenings on Facebook. I promise to get back to my neglected blog!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Coyote and Q

I mentioned before that Quimby has a new best buddy. Meet Coyote:
Coyote is the result of a Treeing Walker Coonhound (I think) being crossed with a Blue Heeler. Does that mean she heels coons? Maybe she heals them instead? Regardless, she's a very "licky" dog, as my roommate, Jae, puts it.

Quimby and Coyote are so alike it's funny. They are both born Enforcers--any mild disturbance in the household calls for their immediate presence and intervention. Cats aren't allowed to play, and humans aren't allowed to clap, snap, or dance. They are the Fun Police, and they take their job very seriously. Only they can have fun!

Officer Quimby and Officer Coyote

Saturday, February 11, 2012

More Michigan adventures

Today my new roommate (Jae) and I headed south back into Indiana to pick up a new addition to the colorful menagerie here on the farm. I have mentioned some of the critters here, but, until now, I didn't have pics to go with my comments. I will start today's post with some pictures of the animals residing on the property.

We'll start with the llama (Snickers) and his lovely lady ewes, since I've already mentioned them. Those girls look like they are gonna pop out some babies any day now, but we're still waiting!!

There are also quite a few ducks and chickens running around. The ducks come in a variety of colors, and there are even several Muscovies.

Hershey and Cadbury are the resident meat calves, although they have a long way to go until they are big enough for the dinner plate.

Coyote is Quimby's new bff. She doesn't care so much for the Chunk, but Chunky has lots of love for the puppies of the world.

And, of course, my ponies are right at home amongst all the other creatures.

So what else could we add to the bustling little farm to make it even more colorful? What, indeed! How about this fuzzy little face?

This cute little girl was a "free to a good home" pony-sized molly mule. She's still just a baby at about a year and a half old. The guys who had her seemed to think she was crazy and flighty. Watch this video and see if you think the same thing:

The new mule (we still need a name for her) caused quite a sensation in the neighborhood. Horses and calves couldn't figure out what this strange looking beast was.

Watch the fierce, wild mule on film! And please, leave a comment if you have any suggestions for this little devil's name. One last note... she is NOT mine, she's my roommate's. So far I've refrained from adding more to my own head count!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Remembering Dad

A year ago today, I lost my father. It still feels surreal. There are times I'll be doing something, and a memory will pop in my head of my dad. Usually this happens when I'm driving.

I don't think you can ever truly get used to a loss like this. I still miss you, Dad.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Llama drama

Today the ponies had a new resident move into their pen. He's black and hairy with a face only a mother could love. They immediately decided he was the ugliest horse they had ever seen, an offense to their refined equine sensibilities.

Snickers, of course, didn't enjoy being the butt of horse curiosity. He just wanted to return to his beloved ewes across the fence.

Snickers is a very accomplished whiner. If you've never heard a llama whine, you can consider yourself very fortunate. It's rather grating and extremely pathetic. As my roommate puts it, "He's the whiniest damn llama I've ever known."

 Zeplin, Layla, and Jazzy converged upon poor Snickers as soon as we dragged him into their domain. I think he was convinced that they were a special breed of llama-eating horses. Zeplin especially wanted to know what he was about, even talking to him face-to-face in spite of Snickers's weak attempts at spitting at him in the cold winter air. Layla took offense that something so ugly wanted HER hay, so she pinned her ears back and charged at him whenever he got close.

When I fed the ponies their evening grain, Snickers was able to take a few minutes while they were distracted to grab a couple mouthfuls of hay. Then it was back to running away from monstrous horses.

I guess we'll see tomorrow if any attitudes have changed overnight...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I've moved again!!

I know it's been a long time since I updated my blog. I have a good reason, I assure you!! I was not content with the job I had in Indiana. The problem was, it was just that--a job. I wanted a career. I did not enjoy being stressed out on a daily basis and frustrated with my work. So, as someone who doesn't just bitch about something and do nothing to correct the situation, I looked for a new job.

And... here I am! I am now in Michigan! Yes, I know, I moved to an even colder location, and in the dead of winter no less. I am committed to giving my new career a minimum of two years to see how things go with it. I know that no matter what, I will learn a lot from this new position.

Anyways, happy much belated New Year and best of luck in everything you do! I hope to post more often on how the kids and I are doing this year. Maybe I still have a reader or two...