Monday, November 1, 2010

Zeplin's new girlfriend

She's here!!

Let me introduce you (or rather re-introduce, as she's already been mentioned here and here) to Starlite Duchess. This dark beauty is the latest addition to the family. I will go into more of her story later. Today is about introductions and the love of geldings for pretty mares. Well, ok, maybe just the love of one gelding in particular.

Zeplin couldn't keep his eyes off her from the moment she stepped off the trailer. Jazzy enjoyed meeting the new herd member as well.
Zeplin appeared determined to check her out thoroughly, even if it meant pushing through the fencing separating them. We decided to put him in with her to see what happened (under our supervision).

Zeplin quickly let her know who was in charge, but then they settled down to share some hay. I think my enlarged herd should work out well!