Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Anniversary, blog!

It's been one year since I started this blog. Wow, how things have changed in that time span! I would never have predicted the course of the year's events. Some of the major changes:

- I never desired to live in Indiana ever again, yet here I am. Hopefully not forever, but I do like my new job so far and want to see where I can go with the company.

- Lost one beautiful half-Arab bay filly (R.I.P., Caly girl) and gained a gorgeous black purebred Arab mare.

- I did find a good job before I became unable to pay for my house, but I still have that lovely house for sale in Iowa (anyone? see video and pics).

- Survived the worst winter I can ever remember followed by one of the most miserable hot, humid summers ever. It doesn't seem to matter that my horses remained in Iowa all summer, since I wouldn't have been able to tolerate being outside long enough to ride anyways!

- Out of medical research and back into poultry. What can I say, you go where there are opportunities!

- Moved far away from wonderful old friends (miss you guys a lot!) but made new ones in the process (which did lead to acquisition of the aforementioned black mare).

- Have a non-family roommate for the first time ever (not counting the few months in Russia where I shared a room at the hostal with a prissy vegetarian). He seems pretty cool so far, and he's as much of an animal lover as I am. Hopefully it works out, and I continue to feel comfortable living there while balancing both a mortgage and rent. Quimby likes him!

Those are just some of the major changes. Lots of little things changed as well, some for the better and some not. I'll keep working on a brighter future and writing about my own experiences, past and present. Feel free to make "requests" of me if you would like for me to write about a specific topic.


Reinbow Valley Farm said...

Well Cindy, you KNOW I miss you very much lady...
I'm very happy that things are going well for you now as that makes me feel good. I was worried about you and your situation for a while.. Glad to see you writing on your Blog again. :)

Krazy Cindy said...

I miss you, too, Julie! I really hope I can work the service dates out so that I can visit for Thanksgiving. Keeping my fingers crossed...