Saturday, October 2, 2010

Trip to Idaho for work, part II

See here for part I.

The Texans arrived in due time. We waited some more for our second rental car, which was supposed to be another nice Explorer.

Of course it wasn't.

It was a dark green Kia Sorento with a grey cloth interior still a bit dirty from previous use. Upon opening the driver's side door, strong gas fumes wafted out, making us nearly gag. My coworkers figured that whoever brought the car back must have stepped in some spilled fuel before parking the car. We had already waited in line quite awhile to get this vehicle, and we needed to head out for Idaho, since the drive to our meeting location took three hours.
Driving into Salt Lake City, we passed a bomb squad and many police cars surrounding an apartment building.

We continued driving through downtown SLC towards Temple Square.
Despite all the construction going on, we did manage to find some on street parking, and we walked through Temple Square to meet up with the first group by the Mormon Temple.
After our quick walk through tour of Temple Square, we loaded back into our cars and headed out towards Idaho. On the way out of SLC, I noted some large homes built on the tops of the surrounding foothills. It reminded me a little of the houses in the Loess Hills of Iowa perched precariously on the rims of steep hills formed by debris deposited long ago winds.

To be continued...


Jessie said...

There are some beautiful buildings in SLC. I'd love to go there someday :)

Krazy Cindy said...

Unfortunately, this one quick excursion was the only time we spent on foot downtown. I'll eventually get to the part of my trip where I visited my cousin who lives nearby (but don't hold your breath while you wait or I'm sure you'll suffocate, and we wouldn't want that to happen!).