Monday, October 18, 2010

Obtain your own Solid Boy Wonder?

Let's face it. All of you (all one or two) who read this blog just LOVE my Spotted Boy Wonder. Admit it, because I know it's true. You also wish you could have this magnificent specimen in your very own barn yard. Tough luck, he's MINE, ALL MINE!!!! Bwahahahaha!!!!

But don't throw yourself into a pool full of sharp knives in despair just yet... you are in luck! You may not be able to have The Gelding himself, but you can have a piece of his genetics!! No, obviously he will never sire little SPWs of his own, but he does have a little brother out there somewhere in the farm fields of Nebraska!

Meet Comet, possibly a Solid Boy Wonder for you, my discerning reader:
Now, I know Comet doesn't have the flash and charisma possessed by my very own Zeplin, but he does display a determined sort of tolerance and steadfast patience for people who may mistake him for living room furniture. Here are a couple other pictures of this very sweet looking gelding:
In case you are seriously interested in this (possibly full) sibling to my spectacular Zeplin, here is the description from the Craigslist ad for Mr. Comet, unedited except for addition of emphasis to his parentage:

2007 Half Arabian Gelding

Ad Description : Comet is a wonderful young half arabain gelding, Chestnut color with Flaxen mane and tail. I have worked a bit on the ground with him. Very friendly horse. Stands for farrier and flyspray. Very curious and intellegent. Has never been saddled, but last week my daughter got on him, unsaddled, and he took her for a walk around the paddock, no problems. He is going to make the greatest project horse for someone. He is not registered, but comes from a very good breeding line, his mother was CR Lady Lilac.

You can see her pedigree here... Comet has not been registered.

We are near Raymond. I want him to have the best home that will train him and enjoy his wonderful personality.

Price : $500

Phone : xxx-xxx-xxxx cell xxx-xxx-xxxx home

I've removed the phone numbers for privacy reasons, but if the ad is still up, the phone numbers are on it. Raymond is not far from Lincoln. How awesome it would be to have Zep's little brother?!

*Sigh* If only my house would sell... I cannot take on any more mouths to feed until I'm freed from that financial burden. I already took on two more than I meant to (story later), but I was unable to resist. I hope Comet finds a wonderful home. I'm sure he's a treasure just like his big brother.

I also hope the mare these same people have advertised similarly finds a loving family. She is closely related to Zep (from the same breeding program). Her sire's sire, CR Royal Sands, is Zeplin's sire and damsire. Her dam's dam, MAF Gay Paree, is also the mother of Zeplin's dam. With all those shared genes, she most be the biggest sweetheart in the world.

So go forth and purchase a piece of the SBW's family for yourself! You will have your own amazing tales to share, and perhaps you will begin to understand how strong the bond can be between woman and horse.

You'll thank me for it ;-)