Monday, December 28, 2009

Zeplin's little dance

As I mentioned in the previous post, when I took Caly for a walk down the road, the other two horses ran alongside in the pasture below until the snow became too deep. I took some not-so-great video with my failing camera. One sequence I caught shows Zeplin and Jazzy running up the hill

On the side of the hill, Zeplin did what I can only describe as a little "dance." Hopefully these pictures, while not fine resolution, will give a good illustration:

Ahhh, that's my little ham :-)


Jessie said...

Aww, Happy Feet!!! :)

Krazy Cindy said...

That boy is such a character! He's also an instigator--always trying to get the two ladies to play. Jazzy gets a bit annoyed with him :-) Love my boy!