Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Latest horse pics

I took the time last night when I was feeding the ponies to snap a few quick pictures with my cell phone.
I can't believe how mature my Zeplin looks now! So hard to grasp how far he's come from the gangly yearling colt I obtained four years ago!
Jazzy is a bit more difficult to photograph because the other two like to get in the way:
Another challenge is trying to take a picture of Layla without her head down to eat. She certainly doesn't miss a meal! No wonder she gets along so well with Jazzy... Ignore the sunbleaching and the dreadlocked mane.
By the way, in case you were wondering--my house didn't get flooded in Iowa, but I am still trying to figure out when I will get back there to clean everything back up and list it for sale. Things at work hardly ever seem to slow down! Very frustrating, because before I took my emergency trip out there, I had been trying since last October to find time to go.