Sunday, February 6, 2011

I assure you, I am still alive!

Wow, I survived January! And what a crazy, insanely busy month it was! I have plenty to tell, but I lack the energy to type it all out at the moment. Suffice it to say that I am hoping against hope that February will be a bit more relaxed. I'm not holding my breath though--the first week was hectic and this coming week my company is hosting a meeting for some of the managers of all locations here in Indiana.

We have been slammed with several storms lately, as has most of the rest of the country. Last Tuesday brought an actual blizzard to the plains of Indiana. We buckled down under pounding snow and sleet, while further south they struggled through inches of ice and freezing rain. Driving to the place where my ponies currently reside, I encountered ice-coated roads like this:
Reports from nearby TV stations claim this to be one of the top five snowiest winters (Dec-Jan-Feb) since such records were kept.

The horses were none the worse for wear. They seemed resigned to weathering through the rest of what winter has to offer, as we have no other choice. So long as they have plenty of delicious grass hay, water, and grain, they ignore the challenges tossed out by a cantankerous Mother Nature.
The kittens remain in high spirits, enjoying the warmth of our cozy home and the company of my now unemployed roommate. Hancock (Hank) enjoys cleaning in the sink, while Murphy crashes after experiencing a catnip high. Blue came special delivery, FedEx.
That's my update for now. I think I've run out of steam and I need to get this office cleaned yet today. Stay warm and keep spring in your sites!


Jessie said...

I think this weather makes life so much more difficult and busy!! Hang in there--I hope you and the critters warm up soon :)