Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My new blog!

Don't worry (I know you were!), I will still be posting to this one! I just wanted to let my faithful readers know that I've decided to start another blog! No, this doesn't mean that my daylength expanded to include even more hours for endless rambling. I just wanted to keep from boring to tears those of you (the few of you who read this blog) who aren't interested in hearing me wax eloquent on my main obsession--the Arabian horse.
Appropriately enough, my new blog is called "Arabian Horse Obsession!" Be warned--that is exactly what it is :-) My friend Julie, of Reinbow Valley Farm, has agreed to co-author this project with me. We may not always agree on everything the other posts, but we will do our best to add as much dimension and breadth to the topic as we can.

Please excuse the rough appearance for now--it will get better as I have time to work on it more (as this one has, right???).
(*Ibn Al Hassan+/ - one of the many gorgeous Arabs I will be discussing in my new blog)